The story of the Village Basket begins with receiving an invitation by a local pastor to come and meet with the Village Elders. We talk with them and determine how best we can help. Usually in East Africa the five basic needs are: School Fees for children, Income generation, Clean Water, Medical and Literacy Training for adults.
The imagery of the Village Basket represents the unity in the village, much like the Acts 2 church. Every day needs like bringing your neighbor to the doctor or taking care of someone else's children are shared by the village. Community events like bringing the crops to market to sell are done as a group. The needs of the village are oftentimes shared by the collective to help each other whenever possible.
Empowering people through income generation, literacy training, and personal discipleship to achieve self- sufficiency, become productive members in their communities and reach their full potential.
What We Do
The imagery of the Village Basket represents the unity in the village concerning every day needs like bringing your produce to the market to sell and the fact that this is usually a community event. The needs of the village are oftentimes shared by the collective to help each other whenever possible.
Literacy Training
The liberating power of being able to read and write in your own language opens up a whole new world. It brings unlimited opportunities to thrive and prosper and offers you a path to independence.
You can now go to the market negotiate prices and get a fair market value for your goods and services.
Table Banking
INCOME GENERATION -- TABLE BANKING​ Community Groups are given seed money to begin income generation projects. Each group sets its own ground rules for operation. Each group has two leaders who oversee operations and organize meetings. Group sizes range from 5 to 15 people.
The money is evenly distributed to each member which they use to invest in their own business. At the end of the year profits are shared and also are reinvested back into the group. The key to success in the groups is prayer. They meet regularly to pray and discuss important events that need to be shared in the whole village.
Media Center
All the Latest
From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of TheVillageBasket
The concept is simple. We invest in the people and they trust God for the outcome. Once they learn how to read and write their horizons are open to a wide variety of opportunities.
Interview with TheVillageBasket Director
God is doing amazing things in the live's of our Table Banking Groups. The ability to be self supporting and able to take care of their children by providing three meals a day for their nourishment and now having the ability to pay school fees is transforming .
TheVillageBasket: Dedication and Service with Proven Impact
The key attributes that our staff shares is that they love the Lord and want people to grow in Christ. None of our programs succeed without consistent prayer and fellowship.